Discover the New Dimension in Customer Feedback: Lipscore’s Service Attributes

Written by: Tone Loberg
Posted on: January 31, 2024

Exciting news for retailers! Lipscore’s latest feature, Service Attributes, is set to enhance the way you collect and understand customer feedback.

Advanced Feedback Collection: A Vital Tool for Modern Retail

Imagine being able to gather detailed insights not just about your products, but also about the entire shopping experience, both online and in-store. That’s the magic of Service Attributes! It’s a customizable tool that lets you dive deep into customer opinions on products and their overall shopping journey.

Why Feedback from Both Online and In-store Matters

In the current retail landscape, where online and physical stores coexist, capturing customer feedback across all platforms is essential. Lipscore enables you to utilize customer clubs to efficiently collect feedback from both online and in-store customers. With Lipscore’s Service Attributes, you can delve deeper into your customers’ shopping experiences, ensuring a thorough understanding of their needs and preferences. This approach provides immediate insights, drawn from representative data, allowing you to precisely tailor and enhance the shopping experience.

Product Feedback with a Twist

You’ve loved our Product Attributes feature for its detailed insights on product-related aspects like size, quality, and comfort. Now, Service Attributes elevates this further, allowing customers to rate crucial factors of the shopping experience as well.

Delving into the Shopping Experience

Service Attributes offers a window into your customers’ shopping experiences. It helps you understand what your customers think about their journey, whether they’re browsing online or walking through your store aisles.

Customizable Service Attributes for In-depth Insights

For online stores, focus on delivery performance, website user experience, product availability, and customer service. For physical stores, insights on queue management, store layout, cleanliness, in-store service, and ambiance are invaluable.

Transform Feedback into Action

With the Service Attributes feature, you get actionable data that helps identify what’s working and what needs improvement in both your online and physical stores. This is your chance to make strategic enhancements based on real customer feedback ensuring your retail company stays ahead of the curve.

Seamlessly Integrating with Service Reviews

Excited? We are too! If you’re already gathering Service Reviews with Lipscore, integrating Service Attributes is a breeze. Ask more detailed questions in your Service review invitations, applicable for both online and in-store purchases.

Enhance Your Customer Experience Today

This feature is available for those who have Service Reviews and Service Attributes activated in their Lipscore accounts. If you’re curious about these features or want to know more about how they can benefit your business, we’re here to help!

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