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Trusted By 750+ Chains and Online Stores.

6 Reasons to Choose Real Reviews by Lipscore.

More ratings & real reviews

Lipscore empowers you to measure and understand customer satisfaction, product quality, brand perception, and service quality across online and physical stores, providing large amounts of valuable customer data to inform your decision-making, innovation, and optimization efforts.

Markets best response rate

Lipscore guarantees the highest possible response rate, allowing you to gather more ratings and reviews than any other solution, with a user-friendly process that makes it effortless for customers to provide feedback.

Google Traffic Boosters

Lipscore offers simplified reviews, full ownership of reviews, customizable widgets, and valuable customer service features like Support Trigger and Q&A functions, optimizing customer satisfaction, boosting Google traffic, and prioritizing your business needs.

Customer & Product Insight

Harness Lipscore's analytical capabilities to utilize customer and product data effectively, thereby improving customer satisfaction, product quality, brand perception and service quality across both online and physical stores.

Real, Verified & Legal Reviews

Lipscore ensures 100% real, verified reviews from actual customers, complying with EU laws and regulations, and providing transparency, trust, and protection against fraudulent and fake reviews.

Industry leading Support

Lipscore's Customer Success Team provides exceptional support and guidance, helping you get started with Lipscore, optimize your solution, and make technical improvements. They are passionate experts dedicated to your success, ensuring a smooth and effective experience.

More Stars. Real Reviews.

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