Lipscore vs Trustpilot.

All solutions that gather product ratings and reviews offer the same basic tools. What makes Lipscore unique is the high response rate, and that we can guarantee that all reviews are 100% real.

Here is an overview of what we think are the main differences between Lipscore and Trustpilot.

Response rate

The response rate measures how good the solution is at gathering feedback from customers.

You need a high volume of ratings and reviews on a big portion of your products to boost conversion and sale. That’s why the response rate is so important.


Response rate

By allowing shoppers to rate without requiring a review, Lipscore achieves an industry-leading response rate: on average, 19.6% for ratings and 6.2% for reviews (May 2023).

Click here to read more about Response Rate.


Response rate

If you’re Trustpilot customer, you will find your response rate in your “Invitation conversion page”

Trustpilot doesn’t share their average invitation conversion (response rate), but the general industry average is just 4-11%.

In just a few months, the number of reviews on one of E-wheels’ most popular scooters has increased by more than 1200%! From 112 to 1.424 reviews (and 5.362 ratings!!).

Just like that – accomplished by switching from one of the world’s largest solutions for gathering ratings and reviews – to Lipscore.

«Incredibly efficient platform for collecting product reviews and a great team to work with! We, at E-Wheels, can safely recommend Lipscore», says Markus Søderlind, CIO at E-Wheels.

Real Reviews

If anyone can write a review for your business without being verified as real customers, you risk getting attacked with hundreds of fakes, negative reviews.

The best way to remove this risk is to only allow reviews from verified byers.


Real Reviews

Fraud, spam, and fake reviews will not occur if you use Lipscore, as we only allow reviews from verified buyers.

From the 1st of November 2022 we are removing ALL sources of potential manipulation from our platform.

Therefore, we can guarantee that all reviews from Lipscore are 100% real, written by real buyers, in their own words, unedited and verified by their identity.

Click here to read more about Real Reviews.


Real Reviews

Anyone can write a review for any business on Trustpilot. You do not need to be a verified customer to leave a review.

The fact that 2,7+ mill fake reviews was removed from the Trustpilot platform in 2021 speaks for itself.

Design of Widgets

Some solutions for ratings and reviews let you design widgets so that they fit your website design, while others don’t.

You must decide for yourself whether you think promoting the review platform on your website is to your advantage, or if it would be better for you to adapt the widgets so that they fit your website design.


Design of Widgets

Our ratings & reviews widgets can be adapted and customized to fit your website design. You can choose between standard out-of-the-box layouts, colors and styles or design widgets exactly how you want them with CSS inside your account.

Check out our references to see examples of both standard and customized widgets.


Design of Widgets

You’ve probably seen the Trustpilot widgets on numerous websites, as they stand out with the bright green stars. They offer limited opportunities for customization of their ratings & reviews widgets.

GANT went live with Lipscore ratings and reviews in November 2022, and we just love how the ratings and reviews widgets match Gant’s design perfectly, proudly displaying the well-deserved overall 4,7 score!

Did you know that one of the advantages of Lipscore is that our ratings & reviews widgets can be adapted and customized to fit your website design? You can choose between standard out-of-the-box layouts, colors and styles or design widgets exactly how you want them with CSS inside your account.

Display of Reviews

Ratings and reviews are a great way to build trust, and thus boost conversion and sales.

But it requires that your ratings and reviews are displayed in a trustworthy way.

Reviews with “Verified buyer badges” improves the odds of purchase by 15%.

Think for yourself, what do anonymous reviews do to YOUR trust?


Display of Reviews

All reviews gathered with Lipscore is published with the verified customers full name as standard. The name is taken directly from the online store’s order system and cannot be changed.

The only alternative is to change to first name plus the first letter of the last name.

This means that all reviews from Lipscore are displayed with a real name and a verified buyer badge. That creates trust!

In addition, a small RealReviews ™ logo is displayed at the top of the list of reviews for all Lipscore clients to make it very clear to their customers that all reviews are in fact written by buyers of the products and services they provide.


Display of Reviews

Anyone can write a review for any business on Trustpilot. All you must do is to log in with Facebook, Google, or e-mail, which means that it’s relatively easy to post a fake review.

You can also decide the name to be displayed yourself, which means that even reviews with a “Verified buyer badge” can be hard to trust when it’s written by “King Kong” or whatever name the customer choose to display.

Domain for reviews

It’s worth noting that some solutions display your business’ reviews on their own domain. This means that you send your customers out of your online store to read your reviews!

This also means that they can claim the legal ownership to your reviews, so that you loose all reviews if you terminate the contract.

In addition, Google rewards user generated content such as reviews. The domain where your reviews are published are rewarded with increased visibility on google.


Domain for reviews

All reviews gathered with Lipscore will be displayed on your domain. We believe that it is in your interest to keep your customers in your online store while reading reviews. Close to the “Buy” button.

The RealReviews ™ logo is displayed at the top of the list of reviews with a link to a page at our domain that explains how we guarantee that all reviews are 100% real. But your reviews are displayed on your domain only and adapted and customized to fit your website design. As we believe that is good for your conversion rate.


Domain for reviews

All reviews gathered with Trustpilot is displayed on

This means that you send your customers out of your online store to read your reviews, or to write a review of your business.

Truspilot has the legal ownership to your reviews, and is rewarded with increased visibility on Google due to your user generated content.

The Review Process

The review process varies and affect both the quantity and quality of the feedback you get.

What’s more important to you, to get as many responses as possible or to get detailed feedback on each response?

Should the review process allow for anonymous reviews or not?

It’s also worth noting that the solutions that publish your reviews on their own domain, also gathers reviews on their own domain.


The Review Process

No other solution on the marked makes it easier for your customers to give you feedback than Lipscore.

The only thing your customer needs to do is to click on the star rating in the email they get after completing the purchase. They are automatically logged into the system. If they want, they can add a review to the rating but that’s completely voluntary.

Invitations are designed to fit your profile while following best practices to get the highest response rate possible.

Read more about the Real Review Process.


The Review Process

With Trustpilot, your customers must give a star rating and write a review in order for the feedback to be saved.

Invitations are designed to promote Trustilot, and your customers are sent to, and not your domain, to give feedback.

Ownership of reviews

Some solutions for ratings and reviews claim the legal ownership to your reviews.

This means that you cannot display the reviews on your website, even if you have paid for gathering them, if you decide to terminate the contract.

Therefore, you should read the Terms and Conditions carefully to make sure that you have the legal ownership to your reviews.

This is important, because with the legal ownership to the reviews, you are free to switch to the best platform at any time – without loosing all reviews.


Ownership of reviews

You have the legal ownership to your reviews gathered with Lipscore.

This means that you are free to switch to the platform that best suits your needs at any time. We will even help you export your data.


Ownership of reviews

Truspilot has the legal ownership to your reviews.

This means that you cannot display the reviews on your website, even if you have paid for gathering them, if you decide to terminate the contract.

Legal Reviews

If you want to gather and use ratings and reviews without breaking the law, you need to know two things:

First, the EU have strict laws on how customer data should be handled and stored. This means that it could be problematic to use US providers to collect reviews.

Second, you must know what is considered unfair commercial practices under EU law when it comes to reviews.

Most solutions for gathering reviews have functionality that allow for unfair commercial practices, so it’s your responsibility to know what’s considered unfair and to make sure you don’t break the law.

Read more in our guide: “Become a master of reviews, without breaking the law.”


Legal Reviews

Lipscore store and process personal information in accordance with EU privacy laws. All Lipscore servers are located in the EU. Personal Data as such is not transferred to, nor accessible from countries located outside EU/EEA.

Lipscore is designed to avoid unfair commercial practices.
Fake reviews are not possible, as we only allow reviews from verified buyers. Support Trigger helps you spot and deal with unhappy customers in accordance with EU laws.

From the 1st of November 2022 we are removing ALL sources of potential manipulation from our platform, making sure that all reviews from Lipscore are 100% real and in accordance with EU regulations.


Legal Reviews

Contact Trustpilot to get information on how your customer data will be handled and stored.

More Stars. Real Reviews.

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