KO:KO Norway

In just under a week of partnering with Lipscore, KO:KO, the unique dress concept, went live with Lipscore Real Reviews, and what a difference it has made! Fast forward a year, and their online store is adorned with shimmering stars!

For retailers that continually refresh their product range with each new season, automated and efficient customer feedback is crucial. That’s why we’re especially impressed that KO:KO has achieved close to 60% coverage for ratings and 40% for reviews.

KO:KO relies on Lipscore to gather feedback on both their products and services, boasting an impressive average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars for their services and 4.6 across all products. These stellar ratings leave no doubt that KO:KO’s customers are delighted with the unique dresses they design.

What’s truly remarkable is their high response rate on review invitations, reflecting an exceptional level of customer engagement.

As KO:KO both designs and produces their dresses in-house, these customer feedback insights are invaluable for their continuous improvement. They provide a wealth of data to enhance and optimize their product range, uncover any production hiccups, and ensure top-notch customer service.

KO:KO Norway, founded in 2011, is known for crafting versatile, high-quality dresses that prioritize comfort, sustainability, and timeless style. It’s no surprise they earned the “Gasellebedrift in 2020” award, and we’re proud to be their chosen partner for gathering ratings and reviews.


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