
Hansesgården specializes in high-quality dog accessories. They embarked on a journey to collect valuable feedback about their products and services using Lipscore about a year ago. 📝 Now, we’re thrilled to share that they’ve garnered ratings and reviews for an impressive 70% of their product range!

The high response rate on their review invitations is a testament to the deep connection they’ve built with their customers. This feedback not only aids potential buyers in making well-informed decisions but also offers Hansesgården invaluable insights for ongoing product enhancements.

Moreover, Hansesgården proudly displays an outstanding average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, based on over 5000 votes on their Service widget. This showcases their unwavering commitment to providing top-notch customer service!

Hansesgården operates on the Abicart ecommerce platform, which seamlessly integrates the Lipscore-module. Adding widgets to your website’s homepage and product pages has never been easier!


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