More Ratings & Real Reviews.

Expect to receive more ratings and genuine reviews with Lipscore, as we offer the highest response rate, advanced functionality, and the ability to gather feedback from both online and in-store customers.

Boost Feedback & Trust.

Superior response rates and genuine, verified reviews ensure extensive customer feedback and build trust, compliant with EU regulations.

Superior Response Rate.

Lipscore ensures the highest possible response rate, allowing you to gather more customer feedback than any other solution, with a user-friendly process that makes it effortless for customers to share their experiences.

Genuine Feedback.

Lipscore ensures 100% real, verified reviews from actual customers, complying with EU laws and regulations, and providing transparency, trust, and protection against fraudulent and fake reviews

Boost Feedback & Trust.

Superior response rates and genuine, verified reviews ensure extensive customer feedback and build trust, compliant with EU regulations.

Superior Response Rate.

Lipscore ensures the highest possible response rate, allowing you to gather more customer feedback than any other solution, with a user-friendly process that makes it effortless for customers to share their experiences.

Genuine Feedback.

Lipscore ensures 100% real, verified reviews from actual customers, complying with EU laws and regulations, and providing transparency, trust, and protection against fraudulent and fake reviews

Feedback Maximization.

Boost the number of ratings and reviews for your product portfolio through cross-variant sharing, automatic translations for multi-language reviews, and sharing ratings across online stores to enhance exposure and drive sales.

Cross-Variant Sharing.

Boost ratings and reviews for your product portfolio by gathering feedback for each product variant and displaying them across all relevant products, maximizing the volume and impact of customer feedback.

Automatic Translations.

Expand into new markets with confidence by leveraging our translation module, which automatically translates reviews into the language supported by your online shop, providing customers with reviews in their preferred language.

Share Between Shops.

Seamlessly connect multiple online stores with Lipscore Reviews Syndication, amplifying your exposure and driving sales across different platforms right from the start, whether you have multiple online stores or are expanding internationally.

Enhanced Feedback Collection.

Collect feedback from online and in-store customers, using customizable Product & Service Attributes, for detailed insights on products and shopping experience.

Feedback from Online and In-store.

Harness the power of customer clubs and similar tools to collect valuable feedback on products and the shopping experience from all customers, regardless of their purchase location.

Product Feedback with Attributes.

Gain detailed insights on your products using customizable product attributes, allowing shoppers to rate up to 3 key aspects such as size, quality, and comfort.

Shopping Experience Feedback.

Enhance your understanding of the overall shopping experience, online and in-store, with customizable service attributes, enabling shoppers to provide specific feedback on 3 important factors.

Enhanced Feedback Collection.

Collect feedback from online and in-store customers, using customizable Product & Service Attributes, for detailed insights on products and shopping experience.

Feedback from Online and In-store.

Harness the power of customer clubs and similar tools to collect valuable feedback on products and the shopping experience from all customers, regardless of their purchase location.

Product Feedback with Attributes.

Gain detailed insights on your products using customizable product attributes, allowing shoppers to rate up to 3 key aspects such as size, quality, and comfort.

Shopping Experience Feedback.

Enhance your understanding of the overall shopping experience, online and in-store, with customizable service attributes, enabling shoppers to provide specific feedback on 3 important factors.

How to get started.

Quickly kickstart your ratings and reviews with tailored invitations, maintain stealth mode until you're ready to go live, and benefit from high response rates.


Generate a high volume of ratings and reviews within 48 hours by inviting customers who recently made a purchase, and effortlessly import feedback from previous solutions.


Optimize your response rate with customized invitations via email or text, following best practices.

Stealth Mode.

Explore Lipscore discreetly by activating Stealth Mode, allowing your solution to gather feedback while remaining hidden from your online store.

Book A Demo.

Schedule a personalized demo of Lipscore's Customer Review Tool. Our team will be in touch with you shortly to set up a time that works for you.

Book A Demo.

Schedule a personalized demo of Lipscore's Customer Review Tool. Our team will be in touch with you shortly to set up a time that works for you.

Trusted By 750+ Chains and Online Stores.

Impactful Success Stories.

See how our clients have increased their sales and revenue with help from customer and product insight and different types of ratings and reviews.

Ko:Ko Norway on Crafting Connection and Couture

With almost 400,000 dresses sold worldwide and earning the Gasellebedrift title for rapid growth, Lipscore facilitates how Ko:Ko meets customer needs, enhancing the Ko:Ko experience through quality, fit, and unique [...]
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Seamless e-Commerce Integrations.

Lipscore effortlessly collaborates with all e-commerce platforms, including popular choices like WooCommerce and Magento, as well as custom-developed solutions, ensuring a smooth integration experience for your online store.

More Stars. Real Reviews.

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